3rd Annual Designer Toy Awards WINNERS

Held this past Saturday in New York City, the 3rd Annual Designer Toy Awards celebrated our community and honored releases from 2012. If you were unable to be there, you can still watch the entire ceremony at the DTA's Livestream channel (livestream.com/designertoyawards), but for those that just want the bare essentials… we present, without further ado, this year's winners!
Best Media Tie-in
Astro Boy by KAWS & Original Fake
Best Plush
Rishikesh George by Felt Mistress
Best Blog
Best Resin
Bad Apple by GOIN & Mighty Jaxx
Best Collection
Selim Varol
Best Vinyl
Target by Luke Chueh & Munky King
Hall of Fame inductees
Kid Hunter by Bounty Hunter
Gardener by Michael Lau
Martin by James Jarvis & Silas
KAWS Companion by KAWS & Bounty Hunter
Finkshit by Takeshit
Best Mini Series
OMFG (Outlandish Mini Figure Guys), Series 2 by October Toys
Best DIY Platform
Fonzo by Freak Store
Best Online Toy Store
Best 1/6th Scale
The Dark Knight: Joker 2.0 by Hot Toys
Best Sofubi
Wooper Looper by Gary Ham
Best Toy Store
Toy Art Gallery
Best Collaboration
Squadt TroubleBoys by Brandt Peters & Ferg / Playge
Outstanding Production
The Rise of Pain in Dreams by Coarse
Break-through Artist
Fan Favorite
Gummi Bear Anatomie by Jason Freeny & Fame Master Toys
Best Customizer
Huck Gee
Brand of the Year
Artist of the Year
Frank Kozik
Toy of the Year
Pierced by Parra & Kidrobot