DTA Exclusive: "Pandara (Metallic Silver Edition)" by Paul Shih

The 2nd Annual Designer Toy Awards are proud to offer an exclusive edition release of the "Pandara" figure in the "Metallic Silver Edition." Hand-created and painted by Paul Shih, this release will be limited to 5 copies, only 3 of which will be for sale during the DTAs at $55 each… the remaining 2 in the edition will be released in late October on Shih's website.
The 2nd Annual Designer Toy Awards' Ceremony — announcing this year's winners in each category — will be held in New York City on Saturday, October 13th, 2012 (during the weekend of New York Comic-Con). Hosted by The Sucklord, the event will be located at Providence NYC (311 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019) and the doors will officially open at 8PM with entrance open to the general public free of charge.