The Designer Toy Awards 2012!

We're so excited to announce the 2012 Designer Toy Awards I just made a little puddle!!!
This year is going to be bigger, badder and more fun than 2011, and we didn't think that was possible!! We've re-organized a few things to make the awards more concise and even more prestigious, so stay tuned throughout the year as we announce more details regarding our events at SDCC and NYCC... We've got a few surprises up our sleeves ;)
To start things off the Call for Entries is now open over at You may be wondereing why we are calling it the "Call for Entries" this year, so let me explain whats new:
This year we have made a few changes to the process. Firstly we removed two categories, "Most Influential Event" and "Best Functional Toy", from the line up to make the awards more concise. Secondly we have put together groups of nominating committees. These committees will be in charge of digesting the entries and discerning there qualification in the awards. The committees will reduce the entries to five nominees in each category for Board-voted awards and ten nominees in each category for Community Choice voted awards.
Nominations will be announced on the Designer Toy Awards Nominating Party, which will take place in San Diego during SDCC week. Be there to hear who the nominees are!! We'll announce them live before we post to the site. We'll turn community and board voting on shortly after SDCC.
The other big news it that this year's award ceremony will be taking place in our home town of NYC during NYCC in October! WOOT WOOT!!. We hope as many of you as possible can be there, and we are looking forward to sharing more information with you as the year unfolds.
For your enjoyment some images from last year, just to remind you of the fun we had!