Barry Hogan
Barry Hogan is best known as the man behind All Tomorrow's Parties. An independent Music Festival/Recording Label based out of London in the UK. What a lot of people don't know is that Barry is also a big toy collector.
In 2007 Barry and ATP ventured on a new endeavor, Clownshoes, a toy company producing limited edition vinyl figures. The first series from Clownshoes was the Dolbee. Measuring 5", the Dolbee figure is molded as a cassette tape and boxed in an old school boom box.
At each ATP festival, Clownshoes will release a Dolbee to coincide with the event. So far designs have been produced by artists including Michael Motorcycle, Mad*L, Kathie Olivas, Tara McPherson, Pete Fowler, Kii Arens, Sket One, and Tim Biskup.