Colin Christian
Colin Christian was born in swinging sixties London, he had an interest in Art very early on as well as a passion for Batman and Thunderbirds. He started covering G.I. Joe dolls in Plasticene, turning them into the latest Dr. Who monsters while reading the latest books from Jack Kirby and Stan Lee. In 1982, he became a DJ, and in '89 met his future wife and partner artist Sas Christian, they moved to the US in '92 to pursue careers in Art.
In '93 they started Hotbox Inc, a latex clothing company, which then branched out into sculpture and painting,each of them providing inspiration and critique of the other, and a great desire to push themselves as artists. Colin created his first large-scale fiberglass sculpture in 98, heavily influenced by Japanese Anime,then he created his own style, a mishmash of American Pinup, Manga, and European Fetishism, heavily influenced by Kubrick and sixties Mod retro-futurism, all curves.
Colin has international collectors,worked with Kanye West on his 'Glow in the Dark' tour, created sculptures for Sanrio — for Hello Kitty's 40th Birthday show at the Japanese American Museum in LA — and has shown in the MOMA Vienna and MOMA PS1 in NY.