Rob Ames
Born in Pork Pie Land in 1976, creative lump Rob Ames is a toy designer and part-time (piss)artist best known (and probably only known !) for Triclops Studio, a UK-based, independent Toy Design Consultancy (specialising in front-end, forward-thinking concept design for all the major players) which he co-owns with his partner in crime, Luc Hudson.
Rob has over 15+ years of experience in the mainstream toy biz and several yesta-years farting around in the ' designer ' toy scene.
Over the years Rob has designed loads of cool stuff which has graced the toy aisles worldwide and could go on to name-drop and write more ego-tripping words, but isn't in the game of showing off !
Likes 80's & early 90's toys, sushi, playing records to empty venues and sleeping !