Ryan 'Brutherford' Rutherford
An award-winning industrial designer with 15+ years of experience, 85 patents and hundreds of successful products on the market that translate to over $100 million in sales. Comprehensive knowledge of the intersection of business and design, leveraging aesthetics, a passion for process, and an extensive knowledge of manufacturing to create effective, efficient, and reliable products and systems. Experienced in building and managing creative and manufacturing teams. 15+ years of experience with digital 3D software and rapid prototyping. 20+ years of experience within a traditional shop environment. Specialty knowledge of design and manufacturing for thermoplastics and thermoplastic elastomers. Extensive experience with injection, compression and blow molding. Grew from junior designer to creative executive during 10 years in a corporate environment before making the Ryan Rutherford transition to a full-time consultant and educator. Thriving in the areas where design and manufacturing overlap with an impressive collection of knowledge about materials, industrial processes, and technology used in the design process. As a graduate of the Industrial Design program at Pratt Institute, holds a deep appreciation of form and the creative process married with vast technical knowledge. Product design and development, manufacture specification and sourcing, brand identification and development, creative management, new studio setup, education in the new product development process and technology in the design process.